Post Course Therapy of Testosterone Propionate

As with all doses of testosterone propionate, the natural production of the hormone will be suppressed after stopping the injection of the drug. To reduce side effects and speed up recovery, it is necessary to perform PCT after a course of testosterone propionate.

If your treatment ends with propionate, start treatment 3 days after the last injection. If another ester is used, with a longer half-life, wait two weeks.

Propionate treatment after menstruation is performed with Clomid or Nolvadex.

It is advisable to do hormone analysis before and after the course. Also adhere to a proper diet, maintain balance in the BJU and add a sports diet to your diet.

Clomid PCT

When you have a steroid cycle with synthetic versions of testosterone or derivatives of the hormone, your body has much higher levels of testosterone than you could normally produce. The body knows this and as a result, it simply stops the production of normal testosterone, or at least reduces it to a very low level. When you stop your steroid cycle, the sudden end of synthetic testosterone entering the body can cause a massive crash and serious low T side effects.

The goal of PCT then is to revive your body to normal hormone function, and for this reason, post cycle therapy is an absolutely important part of your steroid use. Without PCT, you’d be going uphill very slowly to wait for your T levels to return to normal, if they ever do.

Clomid is beneficial when included in a therapy plan after a steroid cycle when testosterone levels have been suppressed to very low or even nonexistent levels because of the way many anabolic steroids signal the body to stop testosterone production when it is synthetically is. testosterone is used.

See also  Benefits and Results of Testosterone Propionate
Clomid PCT

The goal of PCT is to bring endogenous testosterone back to normal levels so you can avoid the serious effects of low testosterone. These include low libido, loss of muscle mass, gaining body fat, low mood, decreased energy and strength, poor mental concentration and more.

The timing of starting your Clomid use will depend on the steroid compounds you have been using in your cycle and the active lifespan of each steroid.

For short-lived steroids, you may need to start PCT within a few days of completing your steroid cycle, while with some other major ester steroids you may need to wait two weeks before starting treatment after the cycle as the steroid effects remain active for some time after your last dose.

Depending on how heavy your steroid use is, it can take many weeks or even months to restore your normal testosterone function and get your levels back to what they were before your steroid cycle. Clomid is then a powerful, but not necessarily the only tool in the box when it comes to effective post-cycle therapy.

Nolvadex PCT

Nolvadex is very commonly used in post cycle therapy so that natural testosterone can be suppressed through the use of anabolic steroids and then boosted again.

Nolvadex is known for its excellent ability to increase testosterone levels while blocking the effects of estrogen that causes the pituitary to release higher amounts of luteinizing hormone (LH).

This hormone is very important for testosterone production, where Nolvadex is so potent that it can reactivate normal testosterone function, avoiding the symptoms of low T and maintaining an increase throughout the cycle.

See also  Testosterone Propionate - Effects and Side Effects

Most users will need 4 weeks of Nolvadex for PCT, but longer or stronger steroid cycles can often be followed by 8 weeks of treatment followed by a cycle in which Nolvadex is combined with other drugs, including aromatase inhibitors.

Although new users may make the mistake of increasing their dose of Nolvadex beyond the maximum recommended daily dose of 20 mg or more during post-cycle treatment, this has not been shown to benefit testosterone levels. This is why aromatase inhibitors and HCG are usually combined with Nolvadex during post-processing to cover all bases.